I’ll Play, LJ style questions

Julian Addams Wolf
2 min readApr 23, 2020

I’ll play. Top ten things I hate that other people mostly don’t:

1. Crude, crass, and/or bodily humor. Heavy/violent slap stick included

2. Spiritualists and/or “Progressives” who deny science

3. Coconut meat, artificial coconut flavoring too

4. Direct sunlight

5. “Social nicety” lies

6. Drinking beer. I understand it, I do not enjoy it, no drinking beer.

7. Zombies- I don’t dress like one, even when I was co-producing the Zombie Krawl! Only can find me in various Zombie gear (other than as a Zombie Lord, which means a pale necromancer) in the movie Necroville

8. Any comedy that is based on someone lying or being dishonest to their “love interest.” Sitcoms, TV Movies, and Rom-Coms do this the most. Coercion isn’t sexy or funny. (in Some Like It Hot it was for their lives and they didn’t mean to get entangled, so mostly forgivable and funny. In most others, big ‘ol no No no.)

9. Strong chemical smells, like, your cleaner doesn’t need to burn my eyes- neither does your Axe body spray. Have left restaurants and homes due to not being able to be around that. Owie.

10. Sexualizing children- your “hot stuff” onesies on babies, frilly pink and princess vs race cars and science depending on your “gender reveal cake” is disgusting. Projecting romantic roles ie: “oh, are you going to get married?” when a child tries to develop friendships is equally gross. Telling a child they’re using the wrong restrooms means you think their genitals dictate where they belong. I hate that this behavior is an important part of reinforcing rape culture- and you can buy the appropriate accessories at a super mart near you.

Bonus: If you wanna try a rom com that isn’t terrible, I really liked “The Longshot.”

#top10 #loveinthetimeofcovid19 #jaw2020 #notabeerguy #scienceisawesome



Julian Addams Wolf

Monster living in the South Valley of Burque