
Julian Addams Wolf
1 min readApr 28, 2020

Feeling woozy and it’s hot outside. Both together make me pretty low-functional, so it’s nice that I can hole up in my dark cool Hollar until the sun goes down and be semi-functional. I am aware it’s not even 90 degrees out there. Rice should be ready soon, and that almost always helps.

Watched Midnight Gospel with J, first several episodes from here, and then together for the last at least two. I cried, and likely could have safely sobbed if I’d let myself. Grief has been harsh the last two days.

Day 46 of Semi-Quarantine.

My scraps garden isn’t fairing well. I think it’s too hot with them isolated like that. Gave them all more water, will look into resolving (pickles are a valid resolution) at next energy burst that can handle that much work.



Julian Addams Wolf

Monster living in the South Valley of Burque